accept() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniListener
Accepts a connection synchronously.


badMessage() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniEventHandler
The default badMessage event handler, may be overridden in subclass.


close() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Closes the socket.
connected() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniEventHandler
The default connected event handler, may be overridden in subclass.


disconnected() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniEventHandler
The default disconnected event handler, may be overridden in subclass.


equals(OmniSocket) - Method in class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Tests if this sockets is equal to another by comparing their hash codes.
EV_BAD_MESSAGE - Static variable in class omnisockets.OmniEventHandler
An unrecognized message type has been received
EV_CONNECT - Static variable in class omnisockets.OmniEventHandler
A connection has been established
EV_DISCONNECT - Static variable in class omnisockets.OmniEventHandler
A connection has been dropped
EV_MESSAGE - Static variable in class omnisockets.OmniEventHandler
A message has been received
EV_NONE - Static variable in class omnisockets.OmniEventHandler
Initial event code


getBacklog() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniListener
Returns the backlog.
getBindAddr() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniListener
Returns the bind address.
getCookie() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniEventHandler
Returns the cookie.
getEvent() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniEventHandler
Returns the event code.
getEventHandler() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniListener
Returns the event handler.
getEventHandler() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Returns the event handler.
getListener() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniEventHandler
Returns the listener
getListener() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniMessage
Returns the listener.
getListener() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Returns the listener.
getLocalHost() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Returns the bind address.
getLocalPort() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Returns the local port.
getMessage() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniEventHandler
Returns the message.
getMessage() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Returns the current message.
getPort() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniListener
Returns the port.
getRawSocket() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniListener
Returns the raw socket.
getRawSocket() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Returns the raw socket.
getRemoteHost() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Returns the remote IP address.
getRemotePort() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Returns the remote port.
getSocket() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniEventHandler
Returns the socket.
getSocket() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniMessage
Returns the socket.
getThread() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniListener
Returns the thread.
getThread() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Returns the thread.


hashCode() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Returns a distinct integer for distinct OmniSockets.


isConnected() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Returns the connection state of the socket.
isValid() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniListener
Tests the valid state.


message() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniEventHandler
The default message event handler, may be overridden in subclass.


OmniEventHandler - class omnisockets.OmniEventHandler.
The OmniEventHandler enables the OmniSockets framework to asynchronously notify the application that a socket event has occurred.
OmniEventHandler() - Constructor for class omnisockets.OmniEventHandler
Constructs an emply event handler
OmniEventHandler(Object) - Constructor for class omnisockets.OmniEventHandler
Constructs an event handler with a cookie.
OmniListener - class omnisockets.OmniListener.
The OmniListener is a server socket that runs itself in a thread, accepts connections, and notifies the application when a connection is made.
OmniListener(int) - Constructor for class omnisockets.OmniListener
Constructs an OmniListener on the specified port.
OmniListener(int, int) - Constructor for class omnisockets.OmniListener
Constructs an OmniListener on the specified port with the specified backlog.
OmniListener(int, int, InetAddress) - Constructor for class omnisockets.OmniListener
Constructs an OmniListener on the specified port with the specified backlog and bindaddr.
OmniListener(int, int, InetAddress, OmniEventHandler) - Constructor for class omnisockets.OmniListener
Constructs an OmniListener on the specified port with the specified backlog and bindaddr.
OmniListener(int, int, OmniEventHandler) - Constructor for class omnisockets.OmniListener
Constructs an OmniListener on the specified port with the specified backlog.
OmniListener(int, OmniEventHandler) - Constructor for class omnisockets.OmniListener
Constructs an OmniListener on the specified port.
OmniMessage - class omnisockets.OmniMessage.
When a message is received on an OmniSocket, the socket creates an OmniMessage of the appropriate type, and runs its message handler in a thread.
OmniMessage() - Constructor for class omnisockets.OmniMessage
OmniSocket - class omnisockets.OmniSocket.
The OmniSocket class is a socket that runs itself in a thread, then when a message is received creates and runs an OmniMessage of the appropriate type.
OmniSocket(InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Constructs an OmniSocket for IP addr:port.
OmniSocket(InetAddress, int, OmniEventHandler) - Constructor for class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Constructs an OmniSocket for IP addr:port.
OmniSocket(Socket) - Constructor for class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Constructs an OmniSocket for a vanilla socket.
OmniSocket(Socket, OmniEventHandler) - Constructor for class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Constructs an OmniSocket for a vanilla socket.
OmniSocket(String, int) - Constructor for class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Constructs an OmniSocket for hostname:port.
OmniSocket(String, int, OmniEventHandler) - Constructor for class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Constructs an OmniSocket for hostname:port.
omnisockets - package omnisockets


run() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniEventHandler
Runs the event handler, may be overridden in subclass
run() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniListener
Accepts connections and notifies the user when a new connection is made.
run() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniMessage
Runs the virtual message handler, invoked by the OmniSocket when a message is received on the socket.
run() - Method in class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Runs the message dispatcher.


send(OmniMessage) - Method in class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Sends the message on the socket.
setCookie(Object) - Method in class omnisockets.OmniEventHandler
Sets the cookie.
setEventHandler(OmniEventHandler) - Method in class omnisockets.OmniListener
Sets the event handler.
setEventHandler(OmniEventHandler) - Method in class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Sets the event handler.
setKeepAlive(boolean) - Method in class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Enable/disable SO_KEEPALIVE.
setListener(OmniListener) - Method in class omnisockets.OmniMessage
Sets the listener.
setListener(OmniListener) - Method in class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Sets the listener.
setMessage(OmniMessage) - Method in class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Sets the current message.
setName(String) - Method in class omnisockets.OmniListener
Sets the listener name.
setName(String) - Method in class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Sets the socket name.
setPriority(int) - Method in class omnisockets.OmniListener
Sets the listener priority.
setPriority(int) - Method in class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Sets the socket priority.
setSendBufferSize(int) - Method in class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Sets the SO_SNDBUF option to the specified value for this Socket.
setSocket(OmniSocket) - Method in class omnisockets.OmniMessage
Sets the socket.
setSoLinger(boolean, int) - Method in class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Enable/disable SO_LINGER with the specified linger time in seconds.
setTcpNoDelay(boolean) - Method in class omnisockets.OmniSocket
Enable/disable TCP_NODELAY (disable/enable Nagle's algorithm).